Freestyle Ice

All skaters must have a USFS membership or a LTS USA Membership and be currently enrolled in a Royal Oak LTS or Aspire program.
​Skaters must be NEFSC members to contract ice during the Fall, Winter and Spring sessions.
Skaters must sign in with the monitor / front office before skating the session
Skaters must use assigned locker rooms
Locker rooms and other areas around the arena are to be left clean and all debris picked up and put in trash containers
Absolutely no eating, drinking or gum chewing on the ice with the exception of water bottles
Please Note: Freestyle Sessions are 50 minutes. Extra minutes shown during registration are included to reflect time for ice cuts.
Royal Oak Ice Arena welcomes all USFS members in good standing.
Every guest skater and guest coach must complete a facility waiver each year. CLICK HERE TO VIEW MANDATORY WAIVER
Skaters please be prepared to show your Current USFS membership card and provide your USFS member number.
All guests are expected to follow the code of conduct set for by USFS, infractions may result in expulsion.
Any skater entering the ice prior to paying faces immediate expulsion from the ice and possible loss of ice privileges. Guest Skaters are welcome to book a spinner lesson with our approved trainers.
Coaches please be prepared to show your online Compliance checklist, compliance certificates can be emailed prior to your arrival to mlittle@suburbanice.com.
Any coach that is not in good standing with USFS is no longer welcome and no refund will be provided.
Guest coaches are welcome at no fee for 5 days total during the skating season. (July 1-June 30), and must sign in at the front desk each day they are coaching. Coaches interested in coaching past the 5 days must contact our skating director regarding a Guest Coaching Contract.
​Contracts are not guaranteed for guest coaches, and any guest coach who surpasses their 5 allotted days will lose coaching privileges at the Royal Oak Ice Arena.
Walk-In Fee (member): $15.00/50 minutes session
Walk-In Fee (non-member): $17.00/50 minutes session
*Royal Oak Ice Arena to reserves the right to revise this policy at any time (last updated July 2024).